Authors Note: It was hard at first to come up with this one great topic to come up with, but my hard thinking payed off. My Idea for this story was to try put me in Army wife's perspectives. At first it was very difficult to put myself into their shoes but after awhile it felt easy to to write about it. In this writing piece I tried to write as if I was an army wife, which was very difficult for me to do.
Each day waking up and not seeing your husband is the most heart breaking feeling. It gets difficult once other parents ask my children where their dad is and they have to say "dad is away in the army." And all the parents give them sympathy. It's also really hard for my children that their dad always misses their birthdays, concerts, and parent conferences but I tell them that their dad is not going to make it.
My husband and I don't get to talk to each other very much, because their base does not have telephones. So the only way of communicating is through Skype, even though the picture is blurry the kids and I still get to talk to him. Which they appreciate very much. We only get to skype him once every few weeks. That isn't very much but at least we get to see him. And that is all that matters to us.
I never imagined being an army wife when I was younger but I have learned so many things from it. Throughout my life I always took freedom for gran tit, because I never had any of my family members in the army. Now I know that at any time of the day my husband could get killed in battle. So my kids and I pray for him every night before we go to bed. Now I know what is going on in war without having to watch the news. Every army gets informed with what is going on in war so we know what's happening.
When that one day happens were the sun is shinning down on us and the sky is as blue as the sea I know that this is the day where it all stops. All of the crying of hoping that he every father comes home to their children. And nervousness that we don't lose the war. And most importantly that we don't lose him. The thought of not seeing him for the rest of our lives would destroy our lives forever. And I'm sure any of would take that one sacrifice to save him.